Team outing to Wonder La on Mysore Road.
7:30 am - Woke up and got ready for the day ahead. Picked up comfy clothes for an outing.
8:45 am - Left for office.
9:10 am - Reached office and noticed that breakfast was still on its way.. :d Tried to track my speedpost letter. Without any results :(
9:45 am - All went to cafeteria for breakfast. Took some snaps and enjoyed the breakfast with sambar coming in coffee cups ;)
10:30 am - We all left for wonderla in a mazda. Uncomfy but ok. Some discussions ongoing all the way. Some snaps. Some "snakes" ( as some people write outside their eateries..instead of snacks").
12 noon - Reached WonderLa. Our boss got us ticks and we all went into the amusement park.
After this I lost track of time.
We decided to go for Wet rides first.
We all jumped into the swimming pool like kids jumping into a puddle of water :d
I almost drowned the first time i went on a slide. I dont' know swimming and i had entered the water very fast. Was there for some few hard secs of my life!! I thought this is it.. my life's over.
I was groping around in water trying to catch any damn thing that comes in my way. Finally someone pulled me out of the water and i am here writing this blog ;) For all further rides, my colleagues were around to save me from any such incidents. We went on all possible water rides available - Water pendulum, harakiri etc etc.The last one and the most amazing was the Wonder Splash ride. Here's a of glimpse of it.

Finally we felt the pangs of hunger and didnt realise it was 3 pm! So we went to our locker rooms changed and headed towards the restaurant.
We ate a lot and after some digestion break we hit off for the dry rides.
The first one was a total ulta pulta ride.

The rest went on all such rides with giant wheels bringing you down with your heads down!!!
The next step was to visit the clock tower with a giant wheel atop it!
Here's a snap:

The height of the tower is 50 m and the giant wheel is another 30 m on top of it.
My acrophobia started on the way atop the tower. with a glass on one side of the lift it was getting worse. Finally i landed safe and sound. But nowhere near to the boundary of the terrace. I wasn't going to go onto the giant wheel but was dragged into it. Thinking that boxes will be all covered and i won't be able to see much! Only to my dismay the base of the box was like this:

I could see ground 80 m below me!!! I closed my eyes after this! And when the giant wheel moved.. I was...

That's all about it right now.. I enjoyed a good day out!