We attented the AOL ( Art of Living) Basic course at Sri Sri RaviShankar's Ashram at Bangalore.
It was a 3 day course on AOL. Of course we did enjoy the cool and calm stay at the Ashram which is 21kms outside of Bangalore.
It was the peace of mind and a cool attitude that i was in search for. Which i did get.
It was the first time i saw people "Dance like no one is watching" at the Satsang. It was cool. Except the bore lecture by our tutor. She would divert from one topic to another continously for 3-4 hours!!! Imagine sitting like that continously.
Anyways. I enjoyed "Sudarshan Kriya" that is taught there and also the Meditation "Dhyana" that happens.
More on this later...:)
It was a 3 day course on AOL. Of course we did enjoy the cool and calm stay at the Ashram which is 21kms outside of Bangalore.
It was the peace of mind and a cool attitude that i was in search for. Which i did get.
It was the first time i saw people "Dance like no one is watching" at the Satsang. It was cool. Except the bore lecture by our tutor. She would divert from one topic to another continously for 3-4 hours!!! Imagine sitting like that continously.
Anyways. I enjoyed "Sudarshan Kriya" that is taught there and also the Meditation "Dhyana" that happens.
More on this later...:)
AOL...hehe nice attempt to attract the blog trackers.
1st and 4most i'd like a guy's opinion on this....besides the instructors. i dunno just a matter of getting something to compare with.
but am glad it helped you relax...knowing what kind of a hectic professional life with all ups and downs you lead....cheers!
someday i'll give this a shot, but so far i haven't exactly enjoyed the session...maybe i wasn't doing something right...or maybe soem prejudices are obstructing me.
Anonymous, at Mon May 15, 07:15:00 AM PDT
I did'nt mean to attract any one. I dont' write this blog so people will come and read. It's basically for me to write out something. I find it easy to type (thanks to the typing tutor software ;) than to write :p
Not all instructors are good. I hadn't heard about anyone in Goa giving this course. I wanted to try out breathing excercises but was delaying it .
Then suddenly i just got a mail saying they are having a residential 3 day course at hte ashram in bangalore. So i thot it would be a good break from the zanjhat at office. So we took it.
I enjoyed the calm and the meditation very much over there. The stress all evaporated after the meditation and sudarshan kriya.
You need to know what you would prefer. The course is not for preaching about guruji actually. it's for teaching meditation and kriya to people. It's after all your decision to follow or not to follow the AOL.
Me enjoyed.. :)
Ashwini, at Mon May 15, 10:49:00 PM PDT
AOL:America On Line, 700 hrs. free internet....hehe i know attractive titles of the twisted sort when i see one....maybe u didn't intend it that way or could justify that not all reader 'think' the same way as me...but then u don't write this blog so people'll come and read...ahem ahem! may i come and read plz?? ;) you take all the pains to store those pictures, write reviews and post those call for support notices for yourself...bah!
the office allowed you to take a t-h-r-e-e day break...was it over the weekend?
do you need to be under stress to appreciate the course??
You need to know what you would prefer.
eh?? what are the choices...stress and calm??
nah guruji's not the exact prejudice that i was hinting at.
i believe your interest in a subject to some extent...atleast if it's a completely new one would depend on the attitude of the person imparting the knowledge about the subject...and majority times the instructors weren't that impressive/interesting.
i'm yet to be bitten by the AOL bug.
p.s. don't take this as pessimism. or something to discourage you...simply burnign and taking birth from the ashes'd cause a lot of pollution...heehee. keep writing.
Anonymous, at Tue May 16, 04:26:00 AM PDT
i am jealous of your good experience.. :(
Anonymous, at Fri May 19, 04:07:00 AM PDT
Well well..
This blog is really my punching bag. If I want to share anything I add it to this blog. That's it.
Anyways.. AOL is off for now.. no practice nothing.
Ashwini, at Mon May 22, 11:26:00 PM PDT
you ain't punchin' it hard enough! ;)
Anonymous, at Tue May 23, 12:39:00 AM PDT
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